Covid cases decrease in Holland

After several weeks Covid cases in Holland Michigan have decreased. Some districts have reported that the cases have decreased, Right now West Ottawa public schools have 122 active cases and during the school year they have reported 1,152 cases.

Zeeland Public Schools had 99 active cases in its buildings as of Tuesday. There were 20 cases at Zeeland West, 18 at Creekside Middle and 16 at Roosevelt Elementary.

Black River Public School posted an update Thursday showing one new case in the previous 24 hours. There have been six cases so far in February — three each at the elementary and middle/high school buildings.

It seems like the school now have more control in the cases that start to appear and now seems like covid is not a big issue for the schools.
"The threat is the virus, not the poeple"

Article made by Andres Peralta


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