Get to know our team

This is Jacob he helps us in the office to contact stores so that they can sell our products at differnt pharmacies , he has been working with us for over 12 years. He has helped us to sell our products all around the world so that we are able to give the medicine to the poeple that needs it.

She is Esmeralda, she has helped us to develop or medicines for the poeple by using really advanced
technology so that our products are safe and be avilabale to everyone. She got her degree at
harvard, she has worked for important compnaies in the past but she decided to join us in 2016.

She is Danna, she is our specialiced doctor that the people can visit at our store, by getting a appointment
she is the one that gives prescriptions to the poeple that needs the medicine. She has been
working with us since we opened our office, and all the people are satisfied with her job.

This little puppy is called Chapu, he is the pet that is taking care of the store, he is also there so that the kids pet him, and
he is a really friendly pet, he likes to play with everyone.
